Super Bowl Sunday
“This share is close to home. What most don’t realize is that I was the voice of two out of the three last Super Bowl campaigns on Fox. On the first, I did the actual half time announce. You know the guy that says, “Coming up next, the Super Bowl Half Time Show!” Yeah, only it was pre-recorded. And while many of you probably think, “Awesome, then you could enjoy the game!” I never watch or listen to my work. Honest, I get sick to my stomach. Always have. I actually spent the day at the Getty Museum looking at ancient artifacts. Funny, I know.
When Covid-19 hit and Fox Sports decided to re-run old Super Bowl games, they needed new promos. I felt honored to receive the call. This was one of many new sessions the past couple of months. Fox Sports has been very good to me over the years. I’m thankful that when they need someone last minute who they know can deliver on take one, they think of me.
As always, I’m on standby via ISDN, Source Connect, IPDTL, and Phone Patch for my clients, 24/7. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask” - Dustin James Leighton